Path: titcca!titisa!etsuya From: (Etsuya Shibayama) Newsgroups: fj.lang.lisp Subject: Re: Is Lighter CommonLisp Better? Message-ID: Date: 14 Jun 89 02:42:00 GMT References: <27412@etlcom.etl.JUNET> Sender: Distribution: fj Lines: 56 In-reply-to:'s message of 13 Jun 89 04:08:23 GMT FUJI Xerox (現在 Xerox PARC) の友人が米国からうまく投稿できず、私に forwarding の依頼をしてきました。以下に掲載します。 返事は に出して下さい。 柴山悦哉@東工大 ---------- Kiuchi@Fuji Xerox desu. I'm really glad to see this news group has become active. (1) CLOS Currently, CLOS chapter 1 and 2 are included in ANSI Common Lisp draft. X3J13 people are still discussing about chapter 3(Metaobject protocol). In OOPSLA'89, there is a CLOS workshop, if anyone interested in join this please send me a message, I can give you some information about the workshop. (2) upcase/downcase We can distinguish upcase and downcase characters in symbol object in Common Lisp. The standard readtable(which is based on Common Lisp syntax) doesn't distinguish those charcases. One can extend the readtable to handle these and some Common Lisp system already provide this extension. Of couse one can use upcase/downcase characters in string obect. ---------- >(setq foo "Akina") "Akina" >(setq |foo| "Seiko") "Seiko" >foo "Akina" >|foo| "Seiko" ---------- (3) autoload/stlipper Some Lisp vendor already provide autoload facility and some other vendor are providing consulting service to make unused portion of Lisp codes from the Lisp-image. For details, you should contact your vendors. (4) Lisp on UNIX box is not so good, and is not so bad As you guess, I am familier with Xerox Lisp environment and I really miss lots of programming tools(and source code!!). However, I think the performance of some Lisp system provide the productivity for some purpose such as writing portable code. Some Unix Lisp are providing neat interface with GNUemacs. By using this, one can do lots of work like you were in Lisp machine environment(like compile the definition into core[C-c c] and you can use keyborad-macro [C-x (, C-x ), C-x e] etc.) Of course you can write your version of interface by using Common Lisp and Emacs Lisp in those systems. Thanks. Yasuhiko Kiuchi Fuji Xerox, System Software Development dept. Junet: ---------