X-reporterId: 6d0bf57e1fc84ec70be7fc9ffaf10724 X-origin: [Jun 1085] OS: MacOS J1-9.0.4 CPU: PowerPC G3 350MHz memory: 64MB, Virtual Memory On 256MB displaySystem: ATY Rage128Pro 8MB comment: setting of memory for VM executable is 64000KB comment: iMac reportId: BF7F28D4 reportFormat: 4 time: October 22, 2002 23:23:00.000 junVersion: Jun 452 version: VisualWorks Non-Commercial, Release 3.0 of May 8, 1998 versionId: #[30 160 48 89 30 78 67 86 30 160 48 95] patches: OrderedCollection ('CScanner Release 3.0') platform: mac MacOS V9.04 Power colorDepth: 15 colorPalette: (FixedPalette redShift: 10 redMask: 31 greenShift: 5 greenMask: 31 blueShift: 0 blueMask: 31) memorySize: #(204800 40960 512000 41120 655360 1970376 400000) memoryReport: \2779608 bytes available\208793 objects, 13810836 bytes in use : End Of Platform Description Jun Benchmarks (Times) ---------------------- Individual benchmark results (3 iterations): Benchmark Minimum Maximum A-Mean --------- ------- ------- ------ Create 3D Object 7.916 89.933 37.383 Show 3D Object 1.85 1.933 1.89433 Benzene Rotation 16.05 18.767 17.078 Texture Rotation 16.867 16.967 16.9003 Transformation 108.0 143.917 131.156 Voronoi 63.084 66.684 64.3617 Delaunay 64.867 77.833 69.8167 Benchmark suite results (3 iterations): Rating Type Minimum Maximum A-Mean ----------- ------- ------- ------ A-Mean 40.9881 58.2739 48.3699