X-reporterId: 5194371003ad43f841758d5258b16ca0 X-origin: [SML 5970] http://www.sra.co.jp/smalltalk/SML/archives/2002-October/005970.html OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional CPU: モバイル Pentium III 1GHz memory: 512MB displaySystem: Savage IX8+ (8M) comment: IBM ThinkPad T22 http://www-6.ibm.com/jp/pc/thinkpad/tpt2214/tpt2214a.html reportId: BF83C4E2 reportFormat: 4 time: October 26, 2002 11:17:54.000 junVersion: Jun 454 version: VisualWorks NonCommercial, Release 5i.4 of August 9, 2001 versionId: #[54 41 54 65 54 0 0 0 54 41 54 79] patches: OrderedCollection ('CScanner Release 3.2') platform: win32 V5.0 nt i386 colorDepth: 32 colorPalette: (Graphics.FixedPalette redShift: 0 redMask: 255 greenShift: 8 greenMask: 255 blueShift: 16 blueMask: 255) memorySize: #(307200 61440 204800 40960 655360 4854644 401376) memoryReport: \5458748 bytes available\428997 objects, 20453460 bytes in use : End Of Platform Description Jun Benchmarks (Times) ---------------------- Individual benchmark results (3 iterations): Benchmark Minimum Maximum A-Mean --------- ------- ------- ------ Create 3D Object 2.825 2.956 2.88967 Show 3D Object 2.329 2.435 2.38433 Benzene Rotation 15.652 15.826 15.744 Texture Rotation 22.428 22.553 22.4787 Transformation 7.527 7.596 7.55533 Voronoi 7.005 7.324 7.13033 Delaunay 7.778 7.839 7.81767 Benchmark suite results (3 iterations): Rating Type Minimum Maximum A-Mean ----------- ------- ------- ------ A-Mean 9.41471 9.45286 9.42857