X-reporterId: 7b3aae23dd4e5fe7f5631f26f1c0d5ad X-origin: [Jun 1177] OS: SunOS 5.8(SPARC) CPU: UltaSPARC-III 750MHz x 2 memory: 768MB displaySystem: Elite3D comment: reportId: BF97F06E reportFormat: 4 time: November 10, 2002 18:29:02.000 junVersion: Jun 454 version: VisualWorks, Release 5i.4 of August 9, 2001 versionId: #[54 29 54 65 54 0 0 0 54 29 54 79] patches: OrderedCollection ('CScanner Release 3.2') platform: unix sysV sun solaris colorDepth: 24 colorPalette: (Graphics.FixedPalette redShift: 0 redMask: 255 greenShift: 8 greenMask: 255 blueShift: 16 blueMask: 255) memorySize: #(307200 61440 204800 20480 1179648 4695732 401376) memoryReport: \5289744 bytes available\413136 objects, 17639468 bytes in use : End Of Platform Description Jun Benchmarks (Times) ---------------------- Individual benchmark results (3 iterations): Benchmark Minimum Maximum A-Mean --------- ------- ------- ------ Create 3D Object 2.774 3.071 2.89267 Show 3D Object 0.51 0.528 0.519333 Benzene Rotation 8.126 8.247 8.16933 Texture Rotation 2.921 3.066 2.97 Transformation 6.527 6.727 6.60167 Voronoi 13.216 13.94 13.546 Delaunay 14.357 14.726 14.4853 Benchmark suite results (3 iterations): Rating Type Minimum Maximum A-Mean ----------- ------- ------- ------ A-Mean 6.951 7.11129 7.02633