X-reporterId: 39a66fa3e3cc633049525799d83ec066 X-origin: [Jun 3392] OS: Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP1 CPU: Pentium M 1,800MHz memory: 1,000MB displaySystem: ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9000 (AGP 4X) VRAM 64MB comment: IBM ThinkPad T42 http://www-6.ibm.com/jp/pc/thinkpad/tpt42/tpt42a.shtml reportId: C2D14DE6 reportFormat: 5 time: July 28, 2004 19:47:50.656 junVersion: Jun 582 version: VisualWorks NonCommercial, 7.2.1 of June 22, 2004 versionId: #[57 41 57 80 72 1 0 0 57 41 57 80] patches: OrderedCollection ('CScanner Release 3.2') platform: win32 V5.1 nt i386 colorDepth: 32 colorPalette: (Graphics.FixedPalette redShift: 0 redMask: 255 greenShift: 8 greenMask: 255 blueShift: 16 blueMask: 255) memorySize: #(307200 61440 204800 40960 655360 2436656 401376) memoryReport: \2928772 bytes available\1469304 objects, 49823752 bytes in use : End Of Platform Description Jun Benchmarks (Times) ---------------------- Individual benchmark results (3 iterations): Benchmark Minimum Maximum A-Mean --------- ------- ------- ------ Create 3D Object 0.45 0.908 0.680667 Show 3D Object 0.544 0.562 0.553333 Benzene Rotation 2.004 2.029 2.01467 Texture Rotation 5.626 5.638 5.63167 Transformation 7.38 11.287 9.18833 Voronoi 2.497 2.567 2.52033 Delaunay 2.747 2.871 2.789 Benchmark suite results (3 iterations): Rating Type Minimum Maximum A-Mean ----------- ------- ------- ------ A-Mean 3.04971 3.68029 3.33971