Jun Benchmark Result Format

Each result is a plain text consists of two parts, platform description part and report body part. The format of platform description is very similar to the Internet mail header. Report body format is just the same as AT-Benchmark (Advanced Tool Benchmark package) output.

1. Platform description part

Result text starts with platform description part, which is a sequence of description fields. Each description fields is prefixed by "keyword: " identifier string at the head and description string follows after the identifier. The following line is a typical example of a description field:

platform: win32 V5.1 nt i386

"platform: " is the field identifier and "win32 V5.1 nt i386" is the description body.

Identifier strings are case insensitive. There must be a space after coloin in the identifier. Basically, fields are unique with respect to its identifier string. "comment: " field is an exception. You may or may not have multiple comment: fields. If a line starts with space or tab, it must be continuous line of the previous line. The order of fields are arbitrary.

The description part ends with the field whose keyword is empty:

: End Of Platform Description

The description string "End Of Platform Description" is subject to change.

1.1 Compiler's comment fields (X-keyword:)

Fields starting X- are added by the results compiler(the author of this page) manually after the report was sent.

A cryptic string representing who reported the result. You can use this as an identifier of the reporter. The real name and the mail address are hidden considering privacy matter. But its not real cryptography and some smart hackers may be able to guess its original form.
The place where the report was posted at first. Sometimes archiving web URL are shown. Specifically,[SML ...] means Smalltalker's salon mailing list and [Jun ...] means Jun mailing list. Please ask me if you are interested in these mailing lists.
Special notice from the compiler. The compiler hesitates to modify the original report in most cases. Instead of changing it, X-comment: field contains the compiler's own comment.

1.2 User's fields

As the benchmark test finishes, the user is designated to describe their machine by typing in OS:, CPU:, memory:, displaySystem:, and additional comment:. You cannot expect the descriptions of these fields to be well formatted.

comment: fields may appear multiple times.

1.3 Report description

Hopefully, unique string to identify the report. It consists of 0-9 and A-Z. Number of letters are not fixed, but currently 8 letters.

The integer value to identify the format of the report or benchmark test version. Any modification to the format or the test code will cause a change in this field

Not a standard benchmark test. For example, BF827371 was tested under heavily patched Jun version. In order to distinguish it from standard Jun environment, so the reportFormat: was changed to 0 by the compiler.
Standard benchmark test which appeared in Jun454.
In revision 4 reportFormat, [Show 3D Object] test doesn't wait for the completion of object rendering. It only waits for return of window's open. In revision 5, which appeared in Jun457, it watches the screen to confirm finish of rendering. It'll give the same result as revision 4 in most cases. But it'll take more time in the environment such that rendering can be on-going even after window appeared on the screen.
The time when test was completed.

1.4 Machine collected platform fields

Jun's version.
Smalltalk VM's version.
Smalltalk VM's version description. (ObjectMemory versionId printString)
Patches applied to the Smalltalk system.
Underlying system in which the Smalltalk was running.
Color depth of the screen. Please be aware that you cannot rely on this value in VisualWorks 3.x running on WinXP. You should refer colorPalette: field in such case.
Color palette of the screen.
Memory usage statistics when the benchmark test finished. (ObjectMemory actualSizes printString)
Human readable summary of memorySize:.
This empty keyword field is the mark of the end of the platform description part.

2. Report body part

In each indivisual test, A-mean column means the arithmetic mean. In the final overall statistics, A-mean row means the harmonic mean.

WATANABE Katsuhiro
